Friday 18 April 2008

Books in a bookcase and not all over the floor? What a good idea!!

This little beauty is being delivered to Sock Monkey Mansions tomorrow morning. Look it's a bloody expensive bookcase!

Actually it is really gorgeous, and the handles on the drawers are a nice detail. However, I am not entirely certain I can fit all my books in it as I have approximately 10 million of them. It is an occupational hazard what with working in publishing. It seems inevitable that some books will find a new home in my local charity shop.

I do hope they arrive before 12.30 as P is taking me to see the Lion King in the afternoon. Now, its not the usual thing I would go to see, but I've seen it before and its fantastic!

Then, if we can be bothered we may take a little trip to a club: 'How Does it Feel to be Loved?'. They play all '60's girl groups, The Smiths, Belle and Sebastian and stuff like that. Its good fun. I can do some of my best Sock Monkey dancing there.

Sunday I'll be up to my neck in books and probably making my flat more untidy than it is now.

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