Monday 28 April 2008

Confused? Yes I was totally disorientated!

Yesterday afternoon I met up with Andrew. We were only out for a couple of hours and after 2 glasses of wine we both went home. I had been feeling a bit lurgy-ish all week and didn't want to stay out late as I still felt slightly not 100%.

So by about 6/7pm I was back at home. I had something to eat (some v. nice shepherd's pie I made on Saturday) and settled down on the sofa for a brief nap.

I woke up with a start, it was light outside and my clock said it was 7.50! Bloody hell! I jumped up, turned on the radio, made some tea and ran the bath. Then I started feeling very ropey so I thought I'd go back to bed for half an hour and have to be a bit late for work.

P phoned and asked if I had had a nice afternoon. I said yes but I was feeling a bit ill, was still in bed and was thinking about calling in sick.

P then proceeded to inform me that it was actually 7.50 pm on Sunday night! I hadn't slept in at all! In fact I'd probably only been asleep for about 40 minutes.

That explained why the usual breakfast show presenters weren't on. I was completely disorientated! So after P managed to persuade me that it was in fact still Sunday I had some tea and went back to bed.

She sent me a text first thing this morning to confirm that it was now Monday.

So glad I didn't rush out of the house and go to work last night!


Anonymous said...

what in god's name were you drinking??

Anonymous said...

Honestly I only had 2 glasses of wine! Wine is my enemy I just can't drink it.