Monday 20 September 2010

Not Moscow

We didn't go to Moscow. We were supposed to. But we didn't. It was all booked and everything. We were going to stay at the Budapest Hotel which is 500 metres from Red Square. We had a suite because It was only about a fiver a night more than an ordinary room.

But about two or three months before we were due to go I started having a really bad feeling about the trip. The very idea of applying for a VISA filled me with the collywobbles and we put it off and off. I was feeling all "Danger Will Robinson!"

Then, Moscow started to look like like this:

It was
covered with dense, acrid smog for weeks! People were fleeing the city and the morgues were getting full up because more people than usual were snuffing it. It was 40 degrees!

Moscow was beginning to look like the exact opposite of a relaxing holiday destination.

This year Sock Monkey and P would not going to be visiting the following:

St Basil's Cathedral

Moscow Metro, The Kremlin, The GUM Store

Space Park featuring Laika (Space Dog Extraordinaire) who is now stuffed and on display.

And we also wouldn't be visiting Statue Park this year. This is where they put all the old statues which were removed when Communism fell. Its like a big Communist Theme Park.

t the one thing I was really looking forward to go to was the Cat Theatre of Moscow

It is a theatre full of performing cats! Click on the link above. I cry with laughter every time I watch it. They have shows such as 'The Cat from Outer Space'.

I had already checked to see if they had a performance that weekend and they did! *claps hands, does a little skip* The first thing I was going to do was go trip-trip-trip-billygoats-gruff down to that theatre and get us some tickets.

owner, Mr Kuklachev says, "We do not use the word train here because it implies forcing an animal to do something; and you cannot force cats to do anything they don't want to. We merely play with the cats."

Trip canceled, the performing kitties will have to wait until next year for my visit.

So we went to Egypt instead which was also 40 degrees. It wasn't covered in smog but it was full of English chavs and fat, ugly Germans. But when you spend a week with your head under the water looking at the fishies you can ignore them.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! When I think of the time it took to get my cat to crap in the litterbox, I am in awe.

Could have done without the creepy clowns, though.

Anonymous said...

I like your pictures, but that can't have been Laika... she never came back from space, and her shuttle burned up...