"Someone had the most disgusting perfume on [when she was on the bus]. Its making me feel very queasy."
Sock Monkey replied "I hate that. In fact its antisocial. Like drinking Red Bull in public [see earlier post regarding Red Bull and my thoughts regarding the drinking of it in public places] . Its making me feel sick just thinking about it. Bleurgh".
P: "lol"
Sock Monkey then went on to say that 'Stinking perfume and Red Bull should come with an ASBO sellotaped to the packet".
P replied with 'lol you are making me laugh."
This is no laughing matter, though! Sock Monkey is now on a mission and declared "I'm off to find my John Bull (how appropriate) Printing Set to run off some warning labels then take a trip to the local stockists [of Red Bull and Eau du Stink]."
But Sock Monkey does not have a John Bull Printing Set! The last time Sock Monkey even laid eyes on said object was circa 1973. And it wasn't even Sock Monkey's own John Bull Printing Set! It belonged to Sock Monkey's brother.
It was so pleasing to put the slugs into the tray and stamp on the inky pad then print your own back-to-front words. It was also pleasing to see your little kiddie fingers covered in ink.
So! In approximately 4 Earth Hours Sock Monkey may well be the proud owner of this:
Then my mission can commence. It will take longer than if I used a computer but will be considerably more fun.
You can find almost anything on Ebay. I say almost anything. What you can't find on eBay is a Hitler Watch. It would be like my Chairman Mao Watch but instead of the Chairman waving it would have Hitler Nazi-Saluting. I know you can't get it on eBay because I have looked. Three times.
Thanks so much for your fantastic writing, you make me laugh and I so looking forward to reading your blog. Cant wait to see your new investment xx
Some fucker outbid me by 5 pence!
there's another one on eBay. I amnow on a mission to get hold of one.
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