Monday 12 May 2008

How Much Money Can We spend?

Bank Holiday last weekend was rather expensive round at Sock Monkey Mansions. I have to stop spending money!

Friday evening I met P in Camden, had a couple of drinks then had dinner and I schlepped off back to South London.

Saturday it was an early start as I had an appointment at the seaside with my nephew, sister and brother-in-law. We went to Whitstable which is really quite lovely. After our picnic we went and looked at the bookshops, toyshops (George my nephew is only three and a half) and had ice cream. I couldn't find my sunglasses so had to buy a pair there. They were the same colour as George's and he kept looking up at me and saying "Aunty Mandy we match!"

Sunday I basically sat on my nether regions doing not a lot.

Monday I met P at lunch time. This was a v expensive day. We checked into our hotel. Extremely nice 5* actually IN Leicester Square. Then we went and had lunch and did some shopping. Then we went back to the hotel for a little nap followed by a shower. By then it was time to go off to the Royal Opera House to see the Royal Ballet performing Sleeping Beauty. I hadn't seen classical ballet for years and years. Actually, I sort of fell asleep in the 3rd act...oops. OK then - I did fall asleep but it was dull! Then we had a gentle stroll from Covert Garden back to Leicester Square, via a hot chocolate & croissant establishment and back to our swanky-de-la-posh hotel.

Well if you are going to go on a date push the boat out.

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