Thursday 15 May 2008

More Things I Have Seen

Yesterday I saw a dog who needed a haircut. Its paw-fur was so long that it looked like The Cat on the Hat. Without the hat.
Today I saw a man with a huuuuuge handlebar moustache.


Anonymous said...

Hah! That's nothing, you have never been to the Bremerton Wal-Mart on the 1st. of the month, when all the Bremelos get their Social Security/Unemployment checks, and roam the aisles in herds, sometimes riding electric shopping carts the size of a golf cart. These were meant for aged people with bad legs, but one look at the drivers will tell you that the only thing wrong with them is they are TOO BLOOD FAT!.
Harrumph. I am in a grumpy mood.

Anonymous said...

Ahh my dear sister. Your email did amuse me. And everyone in my office.